All you need to know about health passport and how it works!!

The number of corona virus infected people has decreased in many countries of the world. With this, many countries have not only lifted the lockdown, but also opened the doors for tourists of other countries.

However, visa regulations have changed. For this, it is necessary for tourists to have a health passport or an immunity passport to travel from one country to another. With this passport, People can move hassle free from one country to another country with this passport,.


All you need to know about health passport and how it works!!
Pic Courtesy: Freepik

What is health passport

Health passport is your health certificate. This proves that you are healthy and not infected with the corona virus. It will also be mentioned in this passport that if you were infected with the corona virus, you will not suffer again from it. In many countries, health certificate is also being considered mandatory for traveling as well as return to work.

What is Health Paasport
Pic Courtesy: Freepik

According to the World Health Organization, no evidence has been found that a person who was infected with the corona virus, will not infect another person.

Contrary to this, WHO has also said that the person can be negligent also with health passport . He may think that there is no danger to anyone. In such a situation, health passport is a matter of consideration, which needs to be attended seriously.

Tech firms have already considered health passports and immunity passports in the UK. Now UK tech companies are going to finalize it so that people can return to their jobs safely. They are going to use facial biometrics to provide such passports or certificates to citizens. For this the UK-based company has submitted a detailed plan to the government.