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Mysterious 5 places of the Himalayas That will give you creeps

Mysterious 5 places of the Himalayas That will give you creeps

The holy places like Mansarovar, Kailash Amarnath etc. are remembered when it is talked about Himalayas,. Apart from this, there are many places in Himalayas which are famous all over world for their mysteries. Science is unable to justify many mysteries of Himalayas till date. Several times scientists have tried to reach one or two of these places but could not get the success in this work. Let us tell you in detail about these mysterious places of the Himalayas, if not known to you.


Currently, Gyanganj is situated in Tibet near Mount Kailash and Lake Mansarovar. As per religious belief, there is an ashram at this place, built by Vishwakarma. Shri Krishna, Buddha etc. are present here in the form of human body even today. Here Maharishi Vasistha, Vishwamitra, Mahayogi Gorakhnath, Srimad Shankaracharya, Bhishma, Kripacharya, Kanad, Pulastya, Atri etc. are present in physical form in this Ashram while hundreds of sages can be found meditating for thousands of years. The first to inform the people about this place was Swami Vishuddhananda Paramahansa.

Kongka La Vale

Kongka La Vale is lying in the lap of Himalayas which is in Ladakh. As this vale is covered with snow, it is very difficult to visit this place. Consent was reached after the India-China war in 1962. According to this agreement, the soldiers of both countries cannot march to this place, but can monitor it from a long distance. This place has deserted look since that time. Local people say that some perfect men visit the Kongka La Vale and they see the flying saucer. If someone wants to see a flying disc, can see it in Kongka La Vale as aliens use to visit this place every month. Due to the lack of movement of people, aliens continues coming to the Kongka La Vale with their flying disc. Science has been unable to solve this mystery of flying disc till date. So this mystery of aliens in Kongka La Vale still unsolved.

As per experts opinion, it is the highest mountain in the world where no one has reached the peak so far. This mountain lye in Bhutan. Yeti, the half-human lives on this mountain. Locals and climbers have also claimed to see the Yeti many times. Tibetans are afraid of this and worship it. At the same time, Tibetan people believe that high mountains are God. Because of this also, people are not allowed to go on the peak of “Gangkhar Punasum”.

Tiger nest monastery


This monastery is situated on the side of a steep cliff with a cave in the middle. It is said that Guru Padmasambhava did hard penance for three years, three months, three days and three hours. He is known as the second Buddha. As per belief Guru Padmasambhava reached this cave riding on a tigress and that is why it is called Tiger Math. The monastery was built in 1962, which is still located today.

Gurudongmar Lake

This lake pertains to Guru Padmasambhava. As per belief, Guru Padmasambhava put his hands on one part of the lake as per request of the local people. Since that time, this part of the lake does not freeze even in the cold days of winter whereas the rest of the lake freezes. This lake has been a source of water also for the locals since very long time. Guru Padmasambhava is considered to be a tantric also.

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